Updated May 26, 2011

Photos from the 45th Reunion - 2009

Alan Newman and Sandy Peterson Newman

Judy Marchel and Connie Isle with questions, answers and statistics

David Pundt

Doug Moilanen and Bruce Gross

Greg Potvin

Jack and Gloris Sticka

Dan DeChaine and Jim Keprios

Frank Nader, Connie Isle
and Judy Marchel

Merlin and Terry (Zaratka) Stensrude

Mike and Lyn (DeRosier) Chatha

Herman Smude, Rob Benjamin, Gary Deming and Bo DeLaHunt

Sharon VanGeest

Tom and Marge Klein

Joann (Kleinschmidt) Reier
and Walter Reier

Bonnie (DeRosier) Roxberg,  Jim and Yvonne Betts and Phyllis Maier

Dale Anderson

Jeanne (Fredrick) Dzubur and Dawn Hill

Herman Smude and Fred Larson

Herman Smude and Gary Deming

Jane (Roe) Hixon and
Dorlyn (Laughlin) Goedderz

Jim Keprios and Dennis (Pete) Gunderson

Lonnie (Blackwell) Adair

Mick Toumi

Nita (Gallant) Johnson and Daughter Katie

Herman Smude and Robert Peterson

Shirley (Britton) Jensen

Steve Peterson


Wes Harden

Connie Isle and Bruce Gross

Dan and Dar DeChaine

Diane Knutson and Mona (Skiba) Nyman

Gene Worms

Ike Fairbanks and Dan DeChaine

Jim Keprios

Jon Echternacht and Chuck Johnson

MC Bruce Gross

Bill and Bev (Brown) O'Reilly

Phyllis (Heese) Worms, Lonnie (Blackwell) Adair, Vicki Larson, and  Ruth (Holm) Forseth

Ron B. Erickson

Other Photos

Dick Bastyr

Owner: Mona Skiba Nyman
Photographer: Dennis Fitzsimmons